Blog Archive

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Clothing Advice for the Festival Days

Clothing Advice for the Festival Days

2011 Summer fashion news related to the article that was a concern for you after the fashion of the summer sayflarında modavetrend. Festival in the summer months we all know, some of us are included in these festivals, some of us can not or do not.
Energy in summer months, youth festivals, college festivals, festivals organized by various groups, which culminates with the brand and we can say is.
Now that the ladies will participate in the festivals in our news that would work too! Fesrival clothing suggestions for the days, dresses, pants, goggles, bags ....
What should i wear or how I giycem Festival with what and who he kombinliycem combine with great suggestions and examples for ladies.
Clothing suggestions
Clothing suggestions
Clothing suggestions
Clothing suggestions
Clothing suggestions
Clothing suggestions
Clothing suggestions
Clothing suggestions
Clothing suggestions
Clothing suggestions

2011 Mitsubishi Outlander Pics | Sport Car Photos | And Review

Toyota Etios Liva Car Price | Photos And Review

oyota Etios Liva price, Toyota's first small car in india, Liva from Toyota, Toyota Etios small segment car, Japanese gaint Toyota released new car Liva in india, Toyota car in 3 to 6 lacks range. Toyota Etios liva small & beautifull car, Toyota Etios liva wallpapers,Etios Liva hatchback,cheapest car from Toyota. Liva is a cheapest car from Toyota.Toyota Etios Red,blue,white variant.Toyota Etios side view.

Toyota has announced its new car Toyota Etios Liva. it is available in 5 variants.The milage of the car in an average 18kpl & it is available only in petrol variants. Liva 1.2L MPFI petrol engine capable of delivering a maximum power of 80bhp.

The prices of Toyota Liva various variants are, Liva J  costs 3.99 lack, Liva G 4.59, Liva G SE 5.00 lacks
however Liva V,VX will cost 5.49 & 5.99 lacks respectively.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

2011 Summer Fashion

"Came Summer Fashion keeps up with Nature, in the bustling, colorful" hy

2011 Summer fashions that have konuşacaklarımız! Summer shoes, dresses, accessories and other summer clothing. What we say there are certain things they are already in summer fashions;
  • When we say old-fashioned summer-colored clothing, accessories, because those who came to mind first type is the meaning of that nature to keep pace with the bustling, colorful .
  • those who came to mind again for the first summer dresses, floral dresses, bowed dresses, mini dresses, and many others.
  • Let us come summer shoes, platform soled shoes, and reflects very well the correct type atmasforini kombinlediğinde be said to be very stylish. Apart from this, of course, sandals, slippers, shoes and outdoor models.
  • Summer fashion in accordance with the accessories and color preferences in the summer with both the choice of model reflects the general atmosphere. Light colors, necklaces, ankles are located within the summer fashions.
2011 Summer fashion reflecting the visuals and examples.
2011 Summer Fashions
2011 Summer Fashions
2011 Summer Fashions
2011 Summer Fashions
2011 Summer Fashions
2011 Summer Fashions
2011 Summer Fashions
2011 Summer Fashions
2011 Summer Fashions
2011 Summer Fashions
2011 Summer Fashions
2011 Summer Fashions

How to Sequence a New York girls are wearing this?

Street Fashion in New York.
Really know the title was very interesting, but I guess was a correct sentence. We, we think it is already wonder how the fashion in France and in Italy, such as how the people there how the style of clothing ...
I chose the most recent photos of the pages you moved to New York City streets. Let's see how the streets of New York fashion clothing ladies prefer ediyorlarmış How terrible and there.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Maria Sharapova Cool Blonde Hairstyle

Maria Sharapova Cool Blonde Hairstyle
After Anna Kournikova disappeared, the most popular tennis player became a fashion model is fellow Russian tennis player, Maria Sharapova. Blonde, tall, slim with a beautiful face, very serasai Sharapova regarded as a model.

Get layers in the front to braces your face. Maria has layers that end at her jaw line and gradually get longer towards her collarbone. She subsistence her layers in the back enough long to to a sleek, uniform look. Make an extreme side-part and field hair off to the side. A shoestring part is mystery and sophistication to Maria's look.

Opt for low-lights if your hair is Bleaching blond, culminating if it's dark. Maria's hair is neither platinize nor dark blond, but a mix of both lowlights and highlights. To which category your hair falls in and add scratches in the opposed shade for depth and emphasis. Wear your hair in soft, collapse curls for special occasions. When she's glammed-up for a special event, Maria carry her hair in soft, collapse curves. Use a large barrel bordering iron to to this look, and separated curls with your fingers rather that a brush or comb.

Tie your hair back in a smooth ponytail when you're on the go. Maria always has her hair attache back when she's on the tennis courts. Add a light fog of anti-frizz serum around your Face to subsistence stray, wispy hairs in their place. Top your tail off with a baseball cap or sun visor. When Maria carry her hair in a ponytail, she often subsistence it in place with a sportsman logo cap bearing a mark such as Nike.

DISPLAY colored hair a lot of choice a woman to express herself. So as not to appear odd, choosing the right color is key. Expressing yourself can be done in various ways. In addition to playing the style of the fashion fabric, you can express it through the "style" hair. If you've come up with shades of black, why not choose the hair color as an option. In addition to making your face look different, hair coloring makes you more stylish.

If you make this as an option, you should be careful before you decide to do hair coloring. Unlike the usual black hair original, colored hair requires a precision color selection. This is so that the results will be created according to face shape and your character. For this business, you can refer to the trends that are rolling.


I feel as if I'm doing this for no reason at all.

I can't keep on for fucking nothing

I am greatful but it pisses me off.

I just feel so bad for wanting more.

Some people don't even get this much.

Expect to see me dissapear in the near future, because this wont make a FUCK.

It just hurts my feelings.

I mean i'm trying.

My quotes suck but I'm actaully getting my shit together.

Expect to see themes!

i now have nifty schedule!

I still love yall.

^that would match my heels, just saying.

I'm working hard for yuhs.

I need yall more than you need me.

I will never send out messages or shit like that.

Just a comment here and there make me feel so much better.

Views are awesome but just not when you never get feed back.

What good are views if you hate my blog.

Pwetty please start commenting its hard to think of shit, organize, and take hours fixing it for nothing but views.

I am sorry for the suckish ones lately.

I am more organized now.

I have  all the time in the world.

I posted pics so my rant wouldn't seem as lame.

By now you have figured it out.

I now have internet at home. I have a handy dandy schedule for making blogs. I will be posting one EVERY NIGHT for the next two weeks. I hate to say this but if I dont get atleast five comments in two weeks, I will no longer be doing this. Its hard to take time and do something for no rec's no comments, I can't tell if yall like it or just stumbled on it by accident. I don't want praise i just want interaction. I wanna talk about something in the blog, I wanna know if you like it, I wanna know if you hate it. I love yall guys. Be looking forward to blogs from me every night including tommorrow morning around four a.m. when I unveil my current masterpiece. Its all about cute couples and romancy shit. I have the rest of this week planned already. I am organized. I now have awesome quotes instead of lame ones. I hope you like whats to come.

Monday, 20 June 2011

So there's this guy... Pics and quotes

Don't be careless, just Careless.

Girls that want to find a sensitive guy that doesnt mind going shopping,
you cant have him, he has a boyfriend.

^Can't even comment, im so torn up about Ryans death.

I'm right here. She doesnt need or love you. And i'm still... Right here.

Give me one chance, I swear I wont let you down.

Don't be with someone if your heart stops every time the phone rings,
because you think they're going to dump you.

I'm not saying I want to marry him, I just want to be givin a fucking chance.

You give every fifteen year old whore a chance but me?
yeah, I'm pushing eighteen and still freakin waiting.

there will come a point when I wont remember why I loved you in the first place,
and when that day comes. YOU.WILL.BE.SO.SORRY.

How am I suppose to keep trying,
When you dont even care when i'm crying?

I'm going to find a boy that cant stand when I cry,
and then I'm never going to let him go.

Try harder.

I'm not at my end, not even close.
You haven't even began to see the fight from me.

Everyone acts as if I'm the plague lately.

Finding yourself is harder than it looks.

Lul, I'm insecure and its not easy hiding that shit.

I'm done waiting for 11:11

If he isnt greatful, leave him.

The lessons that are easily learned are often learned over and over again.

Don't feel sorry for me.

I don't feel fucking lovely.

If I ignored you as much as you ignored me, well nothing would really happen
because you don't really care.

I'm not waiting to become anything, I'm a work in progress,
If you don't like what you see, then your never going to like me.

I am a little crazy when it comes to him.

Last but not least.

Okay so you probably all know Ryan Dunn died this morning. Yes he was from jackass but I know him from viva la bam and his show homewrecker. I loved this dude, its not like a little celebrity crush thing, I didn't think he was hot. I just thought he was really really funny. When I heard about this I thought it was a jackass joke. Turns out it probably most likely is not. Its just kinda hard to deal with the fact that he is dead. Its like no one thinks that our generations jokester, singers, actors, leading people will die. I'm not going to sit here and say he was like a brother, because I never met the guy but its hard for me to accept this because I've watched him since I was like nine. I watched Viva La Bam when I had 0 friends. Thats how I spent my time. I saw his last tweet. Thats so hard to believe that we could only watch it happen. If someone would have said stop, would he? no. Lots of people are devestated over this and as mad as I would be. I hope that its all a big joke. Even though its not looking like it.
My life lately has been kinda fucked up. My big trip to Dallas TX for warped tour is this friday and I officailly have 307 dollars. Proud of myself for that by the way. I have my tickets i have gas money I have spending money. I've been looking up cheap gas prices from here to their and let me tell you this 4 bucks a gallon or dang near, is freaking raping me. My truck gets good gas milleage but if you think about it 30 bucks isn't even 10 gallons. That was the good part of my week, finding out were i stand with my trip. But. My gramma had a stroke last week on thursday morning and she is now in St. anthonies hospital with a paralyzed arm. I bawled. I am not ready for anything to happen to my grandma and I never will be ready. I am trying so hard to believe that she will gain full access to that arm back and then this will finnaly be it. After 2 spells with cancer, countless surgerys, and a stroke, this will be it she will be immortal. She will be able to attend my gradaution, my wedding, my kids, my first home, my everything. Even though I know that probably wont happen, its still how I picture it in my head. Also. My brothers boyfriend cheated on him like with over 5 guys and Craig packed his shit and came home... for a day. Now he's back up there with him, how do I nicely tell my brother to stop being a slut?... He seems to only hang out with guys who have money and people who have things already settled for themsellves. like he doesnt understand you have to EARN that stuff. My kinda sorta boyfriend Tyler didnt check up on me or come over, or text, or anything to see how I was doing the day after my grammas stroke. I got PISSED. He said i had no reason. I told him we were threw. he has been kissing ass ever since. I dont know where me and him stand half the time with all these damn fights.
I got a puppy, his name is Gizmo,


He's super cute and loves walks and hates french fries, he has helped me lose five pounds since getting him last tuesday.
Leave me some feedback guys, what do you want my next blog to be about? Love, friends, heartbreak, fun, summer, parties? you name it. please I need something besides alot of views, it makes me feel like you don't like my blogs at all :(