Blog Archive

Friday, February 27, 2009

How quickly it can all go sour

I was in a great mood this morning. It's Friday, I slept in a bit, the birds are singing and all that good shit. Then I got to work.

Ugh. I know I said I wouldn't complain about my craptastic office space existence anymore, and I really meant it... bit fuck it, I give up! If I can't bitch about my ridiculous coworkers and their ridiculous issues than what's the point of having a blog?

Anywho. Here's a recap:

Nasty Bitch Nancy (NBN) ~ This woman is just not happy unless she is complaining about something. She recently took a couple of exams so now she feels like she's Queen of the Fucking Galaxy, when in reality she's still just a glorified assistant like the rest of us. She is outwardly nice to people most of the time, but don't be fooled - she loves to backstab and bitch about you when you're not around. Trust.

Incidentally, the copy machine seems to be on the same menstrual cycle as NBN, because it seems to act up whenever she's in the bitchiest mood. Or, we all just deal with the fact that it sometimes sucks in more than one piece of paper at a time (because it's a freaking COPY MACHINE and they do that!), whereas she finds it necessary to shout wildy and exclaim, "I hate this thing! Can't we (and by we, she means ME) do something about this damn machine?!"

Crazy Ass Janet (CAJ) ~ Those of you who know me know that CAJ is my own personal demon. She is 70 years old, drives 90 minutes ONE WAY to work a 5 hour shift, and never, ever, ever shuts the fuck up. She remembers every compliment that anyone has ever paid her EVER, and regales me with them at any opportunity. I've been here for 5 years and I still haven't quite figured out what she does, except be an enormous pain in my ass. She sits 4 ft. away from me and talks to the back of my head while I dutifully ignore her.

It's not in my nature to ignore people, and it's not in my nature to be openly rude to people. I'm kind of a friendly gal, if I do say so myself. But this job has beaten the friendly right out of me. If I speak too much or even make EYE contact with CAJ, she will talk non-stop for the next 2 hours. About knitting, or her cats, or she will list every freaking thing she ate from Friday till Sunday and how she prepared it. Oh, and she once made something called "Hot Dog Pie" and made me eat it. She sucks.

There are many more characters in this motley crew, but I will stop here because I'm getting all blotchy and aggitated just thinking about them. But, I'm done holding it in. These people are sucking my soul out of my eyeballs on a daily basis and I need to vent. So suck it.


I've been waiting and waiting for Hulu to get this video clip from How I Met Your Mother online, and they finally put up a little clip of it! This is a section of Barney Stinson's video resume, and Jim and I nearly peed our pants when we saw it a couple of weeks ago! I totally want one:

I love me some Neil Patrick Harris! I swear, NPH and Alec Baldwin are the funniest dudes on TV right now. Hmm, that reminds me - I think I know which celebs are going to be joining my Wii Mii family when I get home later.... :)

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Am I the only one?

Who creates Wii Mii's that look like celebrities? We currently have Jerry Garcia and Robert Pattinson on our Wii, just in case I feel like jogging on the Fit with RPattz. What can I say? I get a kick out of seeing Jerry cheering us on when we're bowling or walking the tight rope. RPattz looks a little something like this, but I think I did an even better job capturing his rogueish smirk on the Mii design:

Other people do this, right?

No? Just me? Okay then.

Carry on.

A buncha stuff... just me babbling, really

What's happenin', hot stuff?

I'm just relaxing on what remains of my day off. I had a great day - DH's on school vacation this week so I got to sleep in till 7:45 this morning. Woohoo! Got up, drank coffee, did laundry, and played with the boys for a bit, then brought LS to daycare and had a big kid date with BS.

We went to see Coraline in 3D. It was awesome, and very, very creepy. BS amazes me because be never seems to get afraid of scary stuff; I was kind of cowering a couple of times, but he was enraptured the whole time. It's also a cool message - "be careful what you wish for." Basically, kids, your parents may be boring, but at least they're not scary witch creatures who try to eat your soul, so be grateful! Yay!

Now I'm home and DH has taken BS to the dentist, so I'm just chillin', folding laundry, listening to music, watching Grosse Pointe Blank on TV, AND blogging. Look at me multitask! I've got some fun activities coming up that I'm looking forward to, and life is good!

Lessee... in other news. I haven't been writing much, but I have been reading like a fiend. I am convinced that reading is as good as writing; I honestly think it puts my mind in the right place and helps me establish my own voice and style. Or, maybe that's just what I tell myself to justify gobbling up books like they're made out of candy and leaving my own novel half finished. Dunno.

At any rate, it is my habit to go to author's websites when I find one whose work I admire. Almost all of them have tips for aspiring writers, and they all say: if you want to write, READ!

So, I'm taking their advice, and am currently devouring the Outlander series. Damn, this woman can write. She is both prolific and, at times, overly verbose. I found myself thinking in a Scottish accent this week; I became so enmeshed in her language and world that I felt like my brain was in the book. Wow. Her work can be a little too descriptive at times, and I find myself skimming certain sections since there is really only so much detail one can use when describing something like a garden, right? But, her style is fantastic - she manages to create these believable and realistic characters that you feel like you know intimately, she has a massive and impressive vocabulary, and her stark intelligence is just palpable. On her website, , she says some things that stick in my memory and spur me on more than any of the other "reach for the stars" stuff I've read on other author's websites. I'll paraphrase, because I'm lazy and have provided the link above so you can go read it yourself if you're so inclined. Basically, she says the idea is the easy part, the writing is the hard part. And you won't know if you can do it until you try. And the more you try, the better you'll get. And the hardest part isn't starting, it's keeping it going.

I think she's my new hero, which is why I had no qualms about ordering the rest of the Outlander series from Amazon just now, and why I look forward to every historical, romantic, overly-descriptive word and sentence that she has sent forth into the world for us to read. And yes, Jill, you can borrow them when I'm done. ;)

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Stop the presses!

Today, my friends & neighbors, a minor miracle occured. You see, after nearly a full year of sitting on my tush, today I went back to the gym. I'll wait while you all pick your jaws up off of the floor and put your eyes back in your sockets.


Ok, still with me?

Well, then, let me just tell you - it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be! I'm sure I'll be feeling it tomorrow, but today I had no trouble hopping on the ol' elliptical trainer and doing 40 minutes! I burned 350 calories and went over 3 miles. I enjoyed the new cheesy music I'd downloaded for the occasion. Lady GaGa, I salute you for your infectious club groove, and Britney, baby, I am glad I never gave up on you. Nothing gets my ass moving like a little Mama Spears! Also, Kanye, you're still a dink, but for your awesome song "Stronger," you get a small Bev-pass. Just this once.

I was glad that nothing at all had changed at the gym during my little workout hiatus. I also remembered another gym perk - all the trashy gossip mags a girl could want, all for free! Yes, they're kind of gummed up and wrinkly, but who gives a crap? Not me!

The best part was that when I left I was truly, utterly proud of myself in a way that I haven't been in quite some time. Maybe it was that elusive "runner's high" that the fit people talk about, but I was downright giddy as I drove home. In fact, I can't wait to do it again!

In honor of my restored gym regimen, I'm posting a lovely picture of Jane Fonda's original workout video. I remember doing this video with my mom when I was a kid. She'd put up the doggy gates and put on her spandex and sweatband (hawt!), and before you can say "thigh dimples" we'd be huffing and puffing on the floor of the living room, scowling at Jane's perfectly sculpted ass. Ah, mem'ries.

Bad kitty! BAD!

Yesterday when I opened the car to load up the kidlets for school, the cat greeted us. Apparently the night before when we'd been unloading groceries he had jumped in and gotten himself trapped overnight.

I said a little prayer that he hadn't had to relieve himself all night and went about the morning's business.

Later that day, when I opened my car door after work, I realized that he HAD relieved himself in the car. And how! The unmistakable stench of cat pee smacked me in the face and I immediately crumbled. My day was ruined! There is no smell in this world that I hate more than cat pee, and now my freaking CAR smelled like a traveling litter box! Curse that mangey animal! Curse him!

For those who don't know, this cat & I aren't exactly on the best of terms. He's the dumbest animal I've EVER known, for starters, and he has this long hair that gets everywhere and requires actual maintenance on my part (we shave him once a year to relieve his "natty dreads"), and he has mutant extra claws that he uses on everything and everyone. He has never seen an open door that he doesn't want to go through, so he gets trapped a lot because you never SEE him go in. Oh, and if his litter box is too dirty for his liking, he craps right on the rug outside the box. He pretty much contributes nothing to our family life, but we're stuck with him.

ANYWAY, my day was ruined, and I actually shed a tear or two out of sheer self-pity. I called DH and said, "I don't deserve to have a car that smells like cat pee! Why me? I try to be a good person, I take care of my animals, why DH? Why?"

LOL... dramatic? Moi? Naaaaaah.

The good news is that DH was able to locate the Lake Michigan-sized puddle in the back seat area and remove the floor mat, so the car is relatively unscathed. I just need to buy new floor mats now, which is do-able.

But I still hate that freaking cat.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

S & J Got Hitched

A great time was had by all! It was a lovely ceremony and the reception was quite rockin' thanks to their great band. BS took over the photo duties, which explains why most of the pics were taken from an upward (hardly flattering) angle, and also explains why there are a million pictures of the band! BS didn't eat or drink a thing all night - he was completely enthralled with the band. He danced like a mad man and had quite a "sympatico" thing going on with the band leader/guitarist.

Some pics:

Before the ceremony:

DH & the groom:

The groom & his bros, watching the ladies arrive:

BS took this one of their first walk back down the aisle as husband & wife:

Cocktail hour - I asked Anne to take a family picture of us before the boys ditched their ties and jackets and got food all over their hair & faces. It figures, though - all of my efforts to make sure my little family unit was neat & tidy and well-dressed were largely thwarted by BS's 2 black eyes (that giant egg on his forehead from the school incident last week migrated South just in time for the big day), and the shower in our room was a low-flow nightmare, so I'm having a rather limp-tastic hair day. Oh well... A for effort, I say!

Dancin' fools:

This is my hot mother-in-law (MIL-ILF?) showing a little "R-E-S-P-E-C-T"

LS looked this dazed & confused the entire time:

This is my awesome future sister-in-law, Anne... she was a HUGE help to me all weekend with the kids! Look at her - you can practically see her halo. :)

BS took this one, and I think it's the best of the batch! Cheers!!

It was a lot of fun, even though I was "on duty" with the kiddos all weekend and couldn't truly let loose Bev-style. ;) I still got my party on, though. You know how I do it.

Rich people are annoying

Ok, so I'm back from the wedding extravaganza. It went well, and everything was lovely. I'll post about that once I get my pictures off of the camera and have something to show for the whole she-bang.

For now, I must rant and rave just a wee bit about something unrelated.

I'm irritated because I missed one of my boss's emails this morning. Once in a while, one of our idiotic clients writes a giant check or uses their debit card for something without making sure they have enough money in the account first. When that happens, the home office sends us an email and we have to move money around and respond by 12 PM Central time (1 PM our time) or they'll bounce the check. Well, this morning boss left at 10:45 for a meeting, and I checked his email at 11:20 to see if we had anything to cover. Apparently, this notice came in at 11:25. (banging head against wall). So, because some entitled piece of shit wrote a $3,000 check without, oh, I don't know, making sure they had MONEY in that account first... I'm up shit's creek without a paddle. Now boss and I have to kiss their butts and fall over ourselves apologizing because THEY'RE dumbasses who just assume they have cash to spend. Nice.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Lots of things to do today...

Yet I'm stuck at work, with no work to do....

Seriously, I know this isn't a bad problem to have, per se, but I am 100% caught up on my work and my boss is out at a conference ALL day, so unless clients call with crises for me to handle, I have nothing to occupy my time this work day. Worse yet, I have a million and one things I need to get done before we all hop on a plane tomorrow after work and go to Philly for the wedding!

It's a rather helpless feeling, being trapped like this. I'm coping by making list upon list and plotting many errands during my lunch break.

As I have mentioned, I've resolved not to truly bitch about my craptastic office job during these trying economic times. I am grateful for a steady paycheck that does not require any real brain power and allows me to only work 4 days/week. It's all good - there's certainly more to me than my JOB and I will not be defined by my Office Space existence, after all. It's just what I do 30 hrs/week to pull in some income. It doesn't say anything at all about who I am or what is important to me.

So, this isn't a real complaint - this is just a general, "this sucks!" moment. ;) I'd just rather be doing monotonous housework and packing than be shackled to my desk today!

In other news, BS hit his head at school yesterday and has a MASSIVE egg right smack in the middle of his forehead. D'oh! He is totally our kid. Trust BS to get a giant bruise right before the family pictures that will be displayed for many years to come! He's okay, though, and unphased by the lump. It's smaller today and turning a lovely shade of purple.... The good news is, I think his bangs will cover it.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Well, that explains it. Yesterday was a FULL MOON. No wonder I felt off all day! I have always felt a bit tied to the phases of the moon, as odd as that sounds. It's true that the full moon sometimes brings out the crazies. I remember when I was a waitress at Nectar's bar in Burlington - if ever I had a weird night filled with strange encounters and crazy bar patrons, I'd later realize that it was a full moon night.

My parents like to tell me about how when I was a little kid (age 3 or 4), I'd sit outside on the porch in my pajamas and talk to the moon. I called it, "Mouse." My dad says I'd sit there and gaze up at the moon and say, "Moooooouuuuse! Can't see. Can't hear. Mooooouuuuuse!"

So, you see, I've always been loonie. ;)

Monday, February 9, 2009


1. I gave up beer 2 weeks ago, and have gained 3 lbs. @#!%^&*

2. LS is back on the binky-crack, but only at night. Sigh.

3. Despite my best efforts to spiff up the appearance, I've gained weight, my teeth are barely whiter because I saved 10 bucks and bought the ghetto Rite-Aid strips instead of the Crest strips, and my hair is as unruly as ever because I just can't muster the energy to care enough to blow dry it. Oh, and my skin is breaking out for no discernable reason.

4. I'm discouraged with my writing, and don't even feel much like reading, which is odd.

5. Originality is still dead.

Booooooo. To say that I've got a case of the Mondays is an understatement. I'm trying to do like Little Nicky and "release the good" (cue rainbows & frolicking bunnies) instead of releasing the evil (monster ripping bunny's head off).

I need some white sage up in here! ;)

Sunday, February 8, 2009

In summer 2009 a pair of shorts to mini Trend Again

Last year's (2008) the trend of products that are shorts with all the beauty spring 2009 - summer wear sezonundada will continue to, Bershka and very good ball shorts shop'da models I saw I need to start now to complete the collection and a need mini shorts with the courage necessary to take, because mini - Again this year, too modaaaaaa shorts ....[15201_421x281.gif]

Other News

Dorothy Perkins 2009 Season

Perkins'te new collection of Dorothy (2009) products are prepared to appeal to every taste ... Jackets, glasses, the skirt, dresses, shoes and can not say you are waiting for dozens of products in Dorothy Perkins stores.

Dorothy Perkins stores:

İstanbul : Carrefour Ümraniye Debenhams Cevahir Metrocity Nişantaşı (Topshop)

Daily use of gray clothes going on. Flusher and it's all the rage again this summer will be buluzlar satin ...

The most important role this season with dresses. Rather than patterns in flowers and romance and purity gardrobumuzda associated clean and fresh feeling to wake up to.

You will have an integral part of the accessories. High heels the spectrum, large parts of your glasses will not leave.

Other news

Debenhams - Valentine's Day

Debenhams special offers in Cosmetics:

Calvin Klein Ckin 2U 2Go 35 ml kadın/erkek parfümler sadece 35.- lira Calvin Klein 35 ml Ckin 2U 2Go women / men perfume only 35th - TL

Burberry, Givenchy, Lolita Lempicka, Lanvin 30ml parfümler sadece 30.-lira Burberry, GIVENCHY, Lolita Lempicka, Lanvin 30ml perfume only 30.-Lira

Men and Women 90ml Emanuel Ungaro with 50m l 250.-TL Kofre 2si but 159.-TL

Velvet pouch, and silvery powder private Collistar hearted 159.-TL instead of the only 99th-TL
February 13 in Debenhams Clinique Take special activities, skin care authority, have become a life coach Clinique recommendations of the special care and surprise activities, have a great skin to explore ways of Valentine's Day to fascinate your boyfriend.

Other News

2009 and falling prices Topman

I can not stop me, and each year 20% of my closet URL filled with products at the moment I've Topman, including a big discount, I went to this discount kaçırmıyalımmmm ..

Topman; Yelekler, jeans, jackets, hats, cardigan, and other products you expect from each other is stylish and beautiful.

Topman stores:

İstanbul : Beyoğlu Cevahir Nişantaşı (Topshop) Istanbul: Beyoglu Cevahir Nişantaşı (Topshop)

Also new Topman season (2009) theme of the store is waiting for you.

Other News

2009 Ladies underwear models

France-based company, one of the underwear, ladies underwear collection, Etam has introduced the 2009 season.

Do you say yes there İstanbul'da etam shop in shopping centers ASTORIA able to get the product.

Stylish and colorful patterns within each Camas to have been abandoned in 2009 senesindede lady looks like.

Other Posts

Ladies Collection Lcw 2008/2009

Lcw 2008 / 2009 winter and 2009 spring, summer belongs to sonabajar products; sweater and the cardigan, pants, bags, shirts, jackets and more. LcWaikiki'yi diğer bir çok markadan en büyük özellik sanırım cazip fiyatları ile herkese hitap etmesi diyebiliriz. I think the most important feature of many other brands LcWaikiki'yi do with attractive pricing to appeal to everyone here.

So another 100 complaints of trademark to get a jacket, even when you can get products Lcw'de 3 days even if the reductions have come up:) 3'de may exceed this number.

Other Posts

UGG Boots Stores - Models

The year 2008 was one of indispensable products UGG boots and 7 to 70 feet of everyone from the boat to see the model was a normal thing happened, who was very fond of the color was 3, who did not like the boots, or said how some of the surf boat and said it giyilirmi to remain in the trend, we know that the 2008 model year, a number UGG boots became trendy products.

Now you know that a very high quality sheep wool Ugg'ların there because the feet are warm on the inside of UGG boots do not ever use cold who knows it already.

A lot of stars I think this boat will travel by foot Ugg'lar the trend into the streets and the streets were filled with people wearing UGG boots ...

UGG Australia brand is one that I know much of these trends are in fact botlarıda the surfers feet to keep warm that models tell like a surfer and surf the çıktıkdan a much later into the sea before the feet of UGG boots in saklıoyr could say, that in terms of performance.

- So where are sold Where can I get UGG boots?

Do not know your own shop Ugg'un in Turkey, have sold a lot but you do not trust her to know what is false is to research thoroughly.

My advice to you if I'd get UGG boots is not from Turkey to bring in from abroad that the Internet can bring reliable places; investigate the areas that have received this ş way.
The link below victoria's secret American underwear brand belongs to its own web pages are UGG sale.

UGG Boots Order

If a altarnatif Try these adreside ordering from the Internet in the same way that adresdende fields have the UGG boots.

What is the Price of UGG boots?

$ 140 off the price of UGG boots in the country vary from $ 180; cautious in Turkey, 600 - 700 tl pay astronomic figures such as these boots do not get that money you received çoksa you know. Yurt dışından gelirkende mutlaka yukarıda verdiğim rakamlara kargo fiyatları , masraflar filan eklenir ama taş çatların olacağı 270 - 300 dolar bence bir deneyin . The numbers given above from abroad gelirkende necessarily cargo prices, costs are added, but so will the roof piece 270 - 300 dollars, I give it a try.

UGG boots with some celebrities who walk the streets; UGG like boots with jeans and skirts you want with what you wear looks very stylish I think.

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