Well, hello there. You all look especially chipper and well-groomed today, I must say. What? You didn't realize that I can see you? Ha. Well, I can, and Frank, that's disgusting! Stop that.
Anywhoooo. It's FRIDAY! YAAAAAAAY! It should be a good day. It's sunny and warm, and the office is mostly empty b/c a lot of the advisors went to Boston for a conference, so I brought my book and hope to sneak in a chapter or two during my two-hour lunch break. Don't judge me! I'm all caught up, folks, and once the work gets did where does that leave me? Chillaxin', that's where.
I'm all a'twitter because last night I found out that two more of my favorite bands are coming to the area this month. Two bands I've been listening to for years and have never seen live. Two bands... playing within a week of each other... both on fucking WEDNESDAY nights. What the damn?!?! I know they appeal to college kids too, but don't they realize us 30-somethings with jobs and kids ALSO like live music? Son of a monkey.
So, I did what any good fan would do; I got a little drunk and begged my husband to help me make at least one of the shows happen. (blush) Actually, it wasn't that hard to do because Jim is actually a very cool guy (not even sucking up b/c he doesn't read my damn blog anyhow) and also loves music, so he was pretty amenable to my proposal. You see, in order for me to stay overnight mid-week, he has to be late to work, which is a huge PITA for teachers. But, he said he would, so YAY. Next step, securing my go-to concert buddy (Mala, duh), and she was exactly as hard to convince as Jim had been. That is to say, she said yes.
Later that night I got some sad-rabbit text messages from Laurie, who was feeling all "jelly" of our concert plans. Girl relationships are so freaking complicated, yo. Just when I think I've got it all figured out, back to the drawing board! So, this show might just end up being a group thang because I have a feeling that Laurie will be a super fun chick to see a show with! Next, I'm gonna try to convince the Jillinator to come too, but she's got like, a serious job and shit. Ugh. What up with that?!
Choosing between the bands was tough. The Shins are playing at the Orpheum in Boston, which is a fun place to see a show and there's actually nightlife afterwards since, well, it's Boston. Cake is playing in Lowell, which is a nice enough little town with very little going on afterwards, as Mala and I discovered when we saw Weezer there. Seriously, there was an IRS convention in the hotel and that was as wild as it got. I got your 1099 right here, baby! WOOT!
*ahem* Anyway. I let Mala decide and she chose Cake, and I'm actually really glad because I just love them and they rarely seem to get to the East coast. Plus, I plan to dance my mofo ass off. For reals.
You all know a Cake song and probably don't even know it. They've been around for quite a while, after all, and have a pretty unique sound. Ever watch the show Chuck? The opening song is Cake. Some of their songs include "The Distance," "Never There," "Love You Madly" (my cell ringtone!), an awesome cover of "I Will Survive," and perhaps their most recognizable tune, "Short Skirt/Long Jacket."
Here's a little video that I lovelovelove. I used to have it on my Myspace back when I actually went to that site. It's so funny - they interview a bunch of random people who are hearing Short Skirt/Long Jacket for the first time, getting their reactions:
Who else kind of wants to punch the beatnik "philosopher" dude in the face? Raise your hands... the line forms behind me!
So, that's what's happening in my neck of the woods. Tomorrow we're going to spend the day with my parents in Vermont. My sister and her family are coming up from Maryland, too, so it should be a nice enough day. I hope. No big plans for Mother's Day, aside from sleeping in. Hope you all have a fantastic Friday!
Blog Archive
- And we're baaaaaaaack (with an a-load of pics)
- It happened.
- As promised
- I got yer Memorial Day right here!
- Enjoying a Given Day
- Alliteration be damned!
- Goodbye
- Just because I can.
- Oops
- Brain dump
- From the Vault
- A Clone Trooper, family, and one giant cock
- Friday I'm in love
- It's Thankful Thursday! (updated)
- Happy Stinko de Mayo!
- Really quickly, because I don't want to dwell.
- Are Sundays fabulous? Absolutely!
- Saturday: it doesn't matter day!
- WWW & Cell Phones: How'd we get hooked?