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Monday, October 5, 2009

My week is off to a strange start

Insomnia happens to all of us from time to time. For me, those times come very rarely because I live in a constant state of borderline exhaustion and have done so since my first son was born six years ago. I stay up too late, you see, and my kids get me up too early. Such is life, and I cherish those few hours of post-bedtime "me" time in the evening too much to change my ways.

So tonight - today, really - I found myself awake at 2:15 AM for no good reason except that two days of sleeping in and taking naps have apparently rendered me caught up on my sleep. I wasn't worrying, which is usually the reason I'll wake up during the night. I was just... up. Strangely enough M started in with a low, half-awake cry around 2:30 and J and I waited him out for a minute or two until he went back to sleep. I couldn't get back to sleep, so I fumbled with my contacts and went downstairs. Notice I didn't say I put on my glasses? Yeah, M stole/hid/magically disappeared my glasses a week or so ago. Can't find them anywhere. It's not very convenient, to put it mildly.

Our water softener was performing its regular nightly (?) maintenance down in the basement, so when I stepped into my darkened hallway it sounded like there was some kind of beast breathing heavily and loudly somewhere in my house. That got the old heart rate up until I got the light on and recognized the sound.

My brother-in-law is visiting, and he never sleeps well. I had no sooner gotten a glass of water and made myself comfortable on the couch when I heard footsteps upstairs in the vicinity of the guest room. I rolled my eyes and clicked on the TV, then turned around to say hi to him as he appeared at the bottom of the stairs in his underwear. He had clearly thought it was Jim who was up, so he covered his groin with his hands and said, "Oh, it's you." Then we grinned lamely at each other and he retreated back up the stairs.

I turned back around to see that the cable channel had been left on HBO, so there was a dude with a huge pink dildo on the screen talking about getting something wet! AAAACK!!! It was some kind of Adult Video Awards show or some crap - the kind of stuff Skinemax and the others play at 3 AM, ya know?

Crap on a stick. My brother-in-law now thinks I was watching p*rn by myself at 3 AM. Greeeeeeeat.


But does he really think I can't go one night while he's visiting without sneaking downstairs to get my p*rno on? Sigh.

Anywhoooooo. At this point it's too late to go back to sleep for an hour before M is up for the day, so I'm enjoying a little quiet solo time before getting another week started. I'm dreading work today; I skipped out a little early on Friday and I'm not sure if my boss will have noticed or not. He's known for calling me at 3:52 on a Friday afternoon just to say hi/check to see if I'm still there.

I've been more miserable than usual at work lately. Winter's coming and I always start to feel like I want to move things to where they're gonna sit all winter long, and that goes for my livelihood as well as my lawnmower. I'll finish out the year, but I really need to find something a little more challenging for 2010. It's just hard to give up the easy, flexible gig even though I honestly hate the work.

I've been slacking off these past few days. Gotta be sharp and efficient this week. Gotta shower my family with affection. Gotta prep for a fun kid-free anniversary weekend next weekend! And I definitely need to cut out the naps and exercise more because being lazy is messing with my REM cycles.

Here's to a great week, everyone!