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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

(Kinda) Wordless Wednesday

We visited the Museum of Science in Boston last weekend, and as always, I took pictures. There was a special Harry Potter exhibition going on so of course my kid went in character. You merely have to suggest a theme and he will don a costume and fully commit to it; he has a real flair for the dramatic. I have no idea where he got that from.

(cut to me looking innocent, shrugging my shoulders in a "who me?" sort of way)

So here you have it - sorta wordless, but mostly not because even when I'm phoning it in on Wordless Wednesdays I must at least write captions.

Jim said, "Wow! That's a big scarf."

Me and Mala, "Forget the scarf, check out that bulge!"

It was a learning experience for the kids. See, here they are, learning:

Harry "Star Wars" Potter:

My youngest was not impressed. As you can see, my husband's "fro-bowl" has grown to epic proportions and it's getting a little embarrassing. I don't remember the last time he went for a haircut.

Harry Plopper:

Every time I go to the MOS I'm impressed by the gorgeous views of the city and the Charles River:

I like big bones and I cannot lie....

Have a happy day.