Blog Archive

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Fun, interrupted.

Just when the little things start to bug you, something big comes along and puts it all right back into perspective. Yesterday I was all pissed off about the a-holes I work with and how they mainline coffee and then get cranky the day before the new shipment gets delivered. And of course, it's my fault that 6 people went through 3 cases of k-cups in 3 weeks (that's 288 cups of coffee, in case you're keeping track at home). Anyway, I don't really like talking about my Flair.

Last night my dad called from the hospital, where he's been admitted. He had a hernia in his chest that he went to the doctor for and they found a bunch of other stuff. Heart stuff. Lung stuff. It's not good, and that's all I know right now. I'm heading up there in an hour to see what's what.

I'm surprisingly calm, considering what a Daddy's girl I am, but I'm not gonna lie: this sucks.