On Wednesday when we saw The Hangover (Go see it. I mean it, go now... well, after you finish reading this post. Then, go.) we also went out to lunch. In the parking lot of the restaurant, there was a business offering extra help for students in math and reading.
Check this out, and tell me you don't think it's a little funny:
"Kum-on, kid! Be more smarter! You don't want to be a sad sack like this little drawing guy, do ya?! Read more better! Mathy-math do more! Kum-on!"
Who's the graphic designing GENIUS who came up with that logo? Right freakin' on, dude. You nailed it.
My day started out badly with a migraine and more stress than I normally allow myself, but got slightly better as it wore on despite having homicidal thoughts about my oldest child for a good solid hour this afternoon. We have my sister and her fam visiting tonight, and tomorrow we all drive to VT for my dad's memorial service. Do I know how to party or WHAT? Try not to be too jealous of my fabulous life, ok?
Anyway! Hope you're all having a good ol' time. I'm sneaking in some laptop lovin' while J and my BIL play Wii baseball. My redneck neighbors behaved themselves this year and only did about 20 minutes of fireworks followed by "Hillbilly firecrackers," AKA gunshots. I prefer not to know what was shot.
Tomorrow my sister and I are gonna root through my mom's "vault" and get some doozies for ya. Yahooooo!
Blog Archive
- Funk this!
- I'm in a baaad, bad mood.
- Wordless Wednesday
- Truthful Tuesday
- What the DAMN?
- A day at the "fay-ah" and a fiesta por tres
- Do your boobs hang low?
- Wordless Wednesday
- It's a major award!
- MILFs take Manhattan
- Road Trip!
- Things that I think, Thursday edition
- You say it's your birthday?
- The year 2026
- 200th post FAIL!
- Pretty fly... for a white chick
- Week in Review
- Thankful Thursday
- Day late, dollar short
- Just struck us funny
- I got yer 1000 words right here!