I had every intention of putting up a wicked killah 200th post for you all, but here I sit with a fistful of boring blog ideas and one funny video I just came across on Fecesbook (thanks, Kerry!). Hello, Apathy. Come here often? Actually, yes.
I just couldn't think of a good theme for 200. I asked J and he pondered for about 5 seconds before scratching his chin thoughtfully and musing, "What would iCarly do?" Dink. Clearly, he was no help.
Anywhooooo, sorry it's not more thrilling, but I promise to come up with something fun for us to do on the big 1 year Blogaversary next month. Check out this story from The Onion news network. I am pretty sure I've attended this party. I think.
Police Slog Through 40,000 Insipid Party Pics To Find Cause Of Dorm Fire
Hilar, am I right? I laughed.
In other news, I got an early b-day present yesterday! J got me a purple iPod Nano, which I love. It's adorable and practically indestructable, which are two things that electronics must be in order to survive in Bev's world. I am accident-prone. I break things. Maybe you've noticed this about me? No? Well, aren't you just the cutest?
Yes, you are. Have a good one!
Blog Archive
- Funk this!
- I'm in a baaad, bad mood.
- Wordless Wednesday
- Truthful Tuesday
- What the DAMN?
- A day at the "fay-ah" and a fiesta por tres
- Do your boobs hang low?
- Wordless Wednesday
- It's a major award!
- MILFs take Manhattan
- Road Trip!
- Things that I think, Thursday edition
- You say it's your birthday?
- The year 2026
- 200th post FAIL!
- Pretty fly... for a white chick
- Week in Review
- Thankful Thursday
- Day late, dollar short
- Just struck us funny
- I got yer 1000 words right here!