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Friday, May 7, 2010

OOBH Stew: Totally Random Edition

Happy Friday, m' peeps! Did you have good, fulfilling weeks? Ready to chillax and get your Mother's Day celebration on? I sure am.

I've got a few odds & ends for the stew this week, and as always I hope you brought your appetites! Put your elbows on the table, chew with your mouths open, and dig in!

Ingredient 1: The Simpsons make Ke$ha look good.

Last week The Simpsons did a classic lipdub of Ke$ha's Tik Tok, and I thought it was really cute. Regardless of what you may think about the autotune junky pop star (*cough* no talent, kind of fug, trying too hard to be different *cough*) I think that if this clip doesn't make you smile a little, you should check your pulse.

Via Hulu, which is being a beyotch this morning and not letting me just make a CLIP of this instead of using the whole video. Hrmph.

Ingredient 2: Keep sharp objects away from infants at all times, Gary!

That includes those massive chompers of yours.

Thank you, Dlisted.

PS) You all know I love Gary Busey's insanely funny (emphasis on insane) Tweets. If you're not following GaryJBusey on Twitter, you're missin' out.

Ingredient 3: Nerdy Couple Alert!

Prediction: their children will be a trifle nerdy. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Hey, it takes a nerd to know one - I dressed up my whole family in Star Wars costumes last Halloween, remember? I don't judge.

Via Buzzfeed

Ingredient 4: Hairless cat update

Since you asked (Frank), wax regrowth doesn't itch at all.

That is all.

Ingredient 5: Cinco de Mayo came and went, and all I did to celebrate was eat turkey tacos for dinner.

Courtesy of Holy Taco, naturally.

Meh. Not my favorite holiday, though I do love Tex-Mex. In the old days I would have been out drinking margaritas, but this year I helped my kid do first grade word problems, ate tacos, watched Lost (holy hell - did you guys see Lost this week?!) and went to bed. I'm gettin' old.

That's all she wrote! Hope you all have a lovely weekend. Don't forget to call your moms and/or be nice to your wife. That's an order, soldier!