Blog Archive

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Hump Day Funnies

Greetings, people of the interwebz! It's Wednesday and I'm in a rather foul mood. Again. It might have something to do with the fact that my kid keeps waking me up at the ass-crack of dawn, so I'm beat.  Or perhaps it's because I had to go head-to-head with my older son's teacher yesterday after he got in trouble for yawning in class yesterday. Yes, yawning.  Ummm, WTF?

Listen, D, I know you're only seven, but could you PLEASE try to be more robotic? It would make life in grammar school much easier for all of us.  Mkay, thaaaaaanks!

*eye roll*

If you're looking for trouble, you found it.
After I fired off a "What the fucking fuck is the meaning of this?" email the teacher called and spoke to Jim about it. Long story short, she agreed that maybe she shouldn't be riding a 2nd grader like Secretariat and we agreed not to call the principal and complain about her. So now everybody's happy... ish. But we'll be keeping a close eye on things from now on.

Anyhooters, I could use a good chuckle, couldn't you? Allow me to display some of the gems I've unearthed during my usual internet wanderings lately. I think we'll both feel better afterwards.



I am Batman.  Er... Catman.

Auto-fill fail.
This is my favorite: movies associated with each state in the U.S.  What About Bob?  I'll take it!  I thought they'd go with the obvious choice of On Golden Pond, but whatevs.  What did you get?

(Click to enlarge.... that's what she said!)

There. I *do* feel a little better. Hope you do, too. :)

Have a great Hump Day!

* In space terms that's about a half a million miles.