Blog Archive

Monday, October 25, 2010

Misc. Monday Stuff

Happy Monday, folks!   I'm not gonna lie to ya -- I'm dragging ass this morning.  It's a gray, drizzly day and all I want to do is go home and hide from the world, but I was a good girl and came to work despite my generalized malaise.  My crazy cat lady coworker was thrilled to see me, of course; she seems to view my presence in the office as proof that I'm dying to hear every waking thought and muscle movement she's had over the past 72 hours since we last spoke.

In reality, we all know that my presence in the office indicates nothing more than my desire to be paid so that I can buy myself that solid gold toilet I've always dreamed about.

My weekend was good, but nothing too outrageous.  On Friday night I went to dinner & a movie with Mala and we laughed our asses off for about five hours straight.  It was pretty awesome, even if we can't remember (or repeat) exactly what was so funny.  I'm sure it had something to do with the wine that was a'flowin' during dinner, but we were both also bringing our "A Games" with the witty repartee.

At one point we were talking about our plans to flee the East coast next February and she mentioned a good friend of ours who will be going on a mission to Haiti with her church group that month.  So M's gonna save babies and shit while Mala and I will be stalking celebrities and drinking our body weight in Appletinis... and that's just the trouble we have PLANNED.

I might have made a joke about how M will be rescuing orphans and I'll be *mumble mumble*  blowing homeless guys *mumble*, but that was just a joke, I swear!  Whatevs; it made Mala laugh so hard that she wished she'd brought along a change of underwear, so it was all in a day's work for La Bev.  *polishing fingernails on shirt*

We saw Social Network, which was really good and only made me feel yucky about using Facebook a little bit.  Okay, a lot, but I'm working through it.

Let's face it, if I shunned all technology that was created by bitter, entitled, mean-spirited, self-centered assholes I wouldn't be able to use any of it, now would I?

It was a really good movie, though - very entertaining.  I couldn't stop staring at the overly-botoxed area between Justin Timberlake's eyebrows, but I didn't let that stop me from enjoying his performance.  Much.

Other than that evening, the weekend was intentionally lame-o.  D had a friend over on Saturday so my focus was just making sure the boy left with the same number of digits he arrived with, and I spent Sunday cleaning out my walk-in closet and unearthing all sorts of crazy crap that I forgot I had.  Yes, I know, I lead a fascinating life!

So that's that.  What did you guys do?  Share with the group, please.  :)