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Friday, October 8, 2010

Friday Fun: Nicest Celebrities


The House of Seven Gables
I'm so glad that this week is coming to an end!  It's a beautiful Autumn day here in my neck of the woods and I've got big plans this weekend.  Tomorrow the fam and I are heading down to historic Salem, Massachusetts with my friend Laurie & her family.  I'm really excited to go there, not just because it's such an old town and has such a rich history, but also because they do a big witch/Halloween-y celebration for the entire month of October that I can't wait to experience.  We're all getting into it; I bought myself a fabulous purple feathered witch hat and the boys will be rocking skeleton body suits.  Jim is going for a suave vampire motif... that is, if I can get him to wear his fangs, which remains to be seen.

We're staying at a hotel that has an indoor water park, so on Sunday we will let the kiddos splash, hoot and holler to their little hearts' content.  Should be fun!

Ahoy, let's matey!
Speaking of fun, let's keep things light and frothy here on the OOBH today, shall we?  Last night one of my Facebook friends shared a link to a story about Johnny Depp showing up at a young fan's elementary school in full Jack Sparrow mode.  She had written him a fan letter so he surprised her because he's just an awesome, awesome guy.  It got me thinking about other celebrities who are known for being nice.  You don't hear as much about them as you hear about the a-holes, so let's bring on the good vibes and celebrate the GOOD people of Hollyweird today.

Here's my list of celebs who I've heard are genuinely nice folks who just happen to be rich and famous.  Please feel free to burst my bubble (I know you will!) if you've heard otherwise, and don't forget to add anyone I may have missed in the Comment section!  I'd especially love to hear about any personal experiences you may have had with a nice celebrity.

Hugh Jackman

Father, husband, actor of stage and screen, and reportedly a super-nice guy with a self-deprecating sense of humor.  Also, incredibly hot and has a to-die-for Aussie accent.  *swooooon*

Renee Zellweger

By all accounts, this sweet Texan hasn't forgotten her modest roots.  I heard a great story about a woman who encountered Renee in the shoe section of a department store.  The woman was trying on a pair of expensive high heels and Renee admired the shoes and encouraged her to get them.  The woman said she wished she could but couldn't afford them.  They went their separate ways and the next thing she knew Renee appeared with a shopping bag containing the shoes, gave it to her and told her to enjoy them and have a great day.  Pretty wonderful!

George Clooney

He's an actor, director, philanthropist, and on-set comedian.  Everyone who works with him seem to love him, and he's as well-known for his charitable donations as he is for his handsome mug.  He's an unapologetic bachelor who doesn't seem to lie about what he wants from women: good looks, good times, and zero pressure to get married.  Sounds reasonable to me!

 No, this isn't just another excuse for me to use this picture again.  *shifty-eyed*

Jason Bateman
Jason is known for being a nice guy, which is impressive considering that he's been in the business for his entire life and we all know that child stars don't often turn out to be well-rounded, normal folks.  He recently got some flack for cutting a line at the Apple store, but let's look at the facts.  Instead of sending an assistant to the Apple store at the crack of dawn to get his new iPhone he went himself.  He got at the end of the line and was waiting for almost two hours with all the other schlubs when an Apple employee noticed him and brought him in to get his iPhone first.  He never asked for special celebrity treatment, didn't expect it - why does accepting it make him an asshole?

Whatevs.  I'd let Jason cut MY line anytime!

Ellen Degeneres

 Unlike another ex-daytime talk show hostess who was once dubbed "The Queen of Nice" but who turned out to be an absolute beast IRL (*cough*RosieO'Donnell*cough*), I truly believe that Ellen is as nice as she seems to be on TV.  I love that she's always giving things away to needy families and standing up for people who are bullied but who deserve respect and civil rights as much as anybody else.  I love that she doesn't apologize for being who she is, because who she is is pretty great.  Above all, I LOVE her sense of humor!

Will Smith

Handsome, great sense of humor, talented, and a devoted husband and father - what's not to like about Will Smith?  Have you EVER heard a bad word uttered about him?  Yeah, me either!

Reese Witherspoon

On set, she's reportedly friendly to every single person, not just the VIPs.  She takes her kids to school herself and jogs without make-up and still looks fantastic.  When someone is this pretty and nice it makes it really hard to hate her, damn it!  Plus - she was Elle Woods AND June Carter Cash - so she's A-OK in my book.

Steve Carell

He rarely curses.  In fact, he's known for liberally sprinkling the word, "Gosh!" into his sentences.  His niceness seems to seep out of his characters, too, and he apparently never takes a project that doesn't feel right or that his kids wouldn't be proud of.

Well, there's my list!  Who's on yours?

PS)  Have a great weekend, everyone!  La Bev thinks you're swell.  *mwah*