Blog Archive

Monday, January 10, 2011

I *heart* the Girls of eBay!


My tens of readers have been so patient and understanding of my blogging slackerdom that I felt I owed you a fun and special post.  Trouble is, there just wasn't anything interesting going on!  Then I stumbled across this blog, and I knew I had to share it.  After all, the Girls of eBay are right up my alley--their blog is full of DIY models who hock their wares on eBay using only their God-given (or not) assets, a camera, and their cunning.

Brava, girls of eBay!  BRAVA.

My sister wore this outfit in 1978, but she rocked it.
Excuse me, are you Heidi Klum?  No?  Oh, sorry.  My mistake.  You must get that all the time.

Yeah... that's flattering.  The purple shoes pull the whole look together.

How much you bench?

Facial polka dots: the ultimate accessory.

A FeMullet AND fishing penguins?  My cup runneth over!

Last time I saw a mouth like that it had a hook in it.

Hurry up and take the picture, I gotta pee!

Nice vest, brah.  Does it come in Men's?

Cheer up, Maggie Gyllenhaal.

I'm thinking of a word that rhymes with "bransexual."

Ten kinds of WTF in one "flattering" outfit.

Didn't Luke Skywalker slay this thing on the Hoth Planet?
Just like Spanx -- the flab has to go SOMEWHERE, people!

Men want her, women want to BE her.

Don't act like you're too cool for this sweater.  We know better.

Why so glum, Morticia?
Scoliosis is SO last season.
Mrs. Robinson, if you're trying to seduce me... put on a bra.
What.  The.  FUCK?
 Tons more fashion monstrosities and the lovely ladies who don them here.

Have a happy day!