Blog Archive

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Snow Day!

Howdy, peeps!  As promised, I did absolutely nothing yesterday and it was everything I'd hoped it could be and more.  I sat on my butt while the boys watched a movie and a Nor'easter dumped a foot and a half of snow on us; I read If I Stay, the Young Adult book that Entertainment Weekly has been touting as the YA version of The Lovely Bones.  I liked it even though I wept like a baby throughout -- I seriously went through a half a box of tissues while reading it.  It was very simply told but very moving, and I zipped through the 230 pages in about three hours.

Technically it's still only a glass.
We did make it outside for a little "swim" through the snow, though my three-year-old was NOT a fan.  It's just no fun to frolic in the snow when it comes up to your chest, I guess!  The dog and the big kid and I had a good time, however, and I felt that I earned my big glass of vino afterward.

Yes, I know the pics are blue.  I brought my camera outside only to have it tell me that its battery was too exhausted to go on, which has been happening more and more.  I used my cell phone to take these shots and apparently if there is some sort of white balance feature on the cell camera I don't know where it is or how to use it.  Le sigh.  Definitely time for a new camera!

Danny decided to clean off Daddy's car.

We almost lost the puppy!
Snow angel

Yes, that's me... getting up was ridiculously hard.  Getting old sucks.

Ignore the fact that the snow around me looks like some sort of crater, please. Hope you all survived the storm (or the Wednesday, if you live somewhere warm)! I'm back at work today. Boo. Thank goodness tomorrow is already Friday.
