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Friday, January 28, 2011

Totally Do-Able Older Actors

I'll admit it, there are some men in Hollywood who are aging so well that I'd get my DILF on.  Heck, in some cases, I'd get my GILF on, even!  Since it's Friday and I'm in an outstanding mood (no, that's not sarcasm.  Really!) I thought it might be fun to check out the ripest fruit on the vine. I truly believe that age is just a number, and some of the coolest people I know are over 50!  Most (but not all) of these actors are old enough to be my father, but we're not related... so that makes them fair game.

Daddy issues?  Moi?  I don't know what you're talking about.  Shut up.

Here goes--actors I'd totally shag even though some of them are--how do I say this delicately?  A bit long in the tooth.

Jeff Bridges, age 61
The dude abides

Harrison Ford, age 68
I can even forgive him for both the earring and Calista Flockhart.  The man was Han Solo AND Indiana Jones!
 Clint Eastwood, age 80 (!)
Okay, so I probably wouldn't do him because of the old-man smell, but the man's a legend... and I have a thing for cowboys.
 George Clooney, age 50
George is still young and still smokin' hot after all these years!  Plus funny, smart, and a humanitarian.  *swoon*
Denzel Washington, age 56
This man does not age!
Jerry Stiller, age 83
Since I always aim to be fair, I'll throw in a few hot older dames too.

Susan Sarandon, age 64
 Meryl Streep, age 61
Love her.

Michelle Pfeiffer, age 52
She's still got it.

Sigourney Weaver, age 61
This is how a natural beauty ages.
 Helen Mirren, age 65
She looks better in a bikini than I do. Bitch.
So there's my list.  Who's on yours?