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Monday, March 1, 2010

Electricity, E-lect-ricit-y....

Hey now! Good weekend?

Mine was good, yes. I woke up exhausted today despite having gotten enough rest, which is always a great feeling, yes? Nothing like draggin' ass on a Monday.

Last Thursday night we got hit by a killer rain storm here in New Hampshire - hurricane force winds of 95mph were reported, and I believe it! It sounded like a freight train roaring past my house, and as always I worried about little things like trees falling into my home and killing us all dead. Turns out I was right to worry; our friend Mala's house did have a run-in with a 100 foot Pine tree, but thank goodness no one was hurt!! I'm sure she'd love to write about it on her blog but since they're still without power or cable, you'll have to take my word for it.

We lost power for about 24 hours, but our new generator kicked serious ASS so we really didn't have to sweat it like all the other chumps. You see, last winter we had an ice storm that knocked us off the grid for a mortifying FIVE DAYS. Yes, five days without heat or running water, and my 1 year old son came down with a raging case of diarrhea on day 2. NO FUN. We kept saying we'd get a generator, but didn't... until November when the power went out again and stayed out for over a day and I pulled a diva move and took to my bed. When Jim found me in there with the covers over my head, he immediately went to Lowe's and sealed the deal.

So really, my family has my tantrum to thank for being warm and cozy this time around. You're welcome, family. Any time!

The cable stayed off until Friday evening, however, so my half-finished batch of OOBH stew went unposted. Don't worry though, it'll keep.

On Saturday night we got a babysitter and went out to celebrate our friend Laurie's birthday. We had an absolute BLAST, and I'm not gonna lie - I drank like a fish. Glug glug! I don't even know how many drinks I had, but it was nearing double digits for sure. I started off with Cosmos, ended up with Newcastle Brown Ale, and had a few pineappley shot things in there somewhere too.

It was a karaoke party, and I was definitely a little irked that my bum vocal cord kept me away from the mic. Thankfully I also love to dance, so at least I had something to do. I did a stunning interpretive dance that was equal parts Vogue, Thriller, and Burlesque, with just a touch of The Robot thrown in for good measure. I know, you don't have to say it - I rock!

The birthday girl deemed her new signature shot, The Laurie, "DELICIOUS!"

I am a very affectionate drunk. Surprise!

Lean back: I want to make sure to get both my chins in... and if you can see up my nose too, that'd be greeeeeat.

Needless to say, I was a hurtin' puppy yesterday morning. I woke up at 7:30 still drunk, staggered downstairs for water and ibuprofen, then went back to bed till 11:30. Big props to my husband for holding the fort/rising at 6:30 with the kids to make it all happen!

Now I'm back at work with an assload of boring work-type things to do and an irritable boss who just got back from a weeklong vacation in Florida and doesn't seem to realize that we've been in a state of emergency around these parts. Jackass. Time to buckle down and make myself useful I guess. If I must.

Have a good one!