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Friday, March 12, 2010

OOBH Stew: It'll stick to your ribs

T to the G to the I to the F!!!

As promised, I've prepared a savory stew for you today. It's a little chunky, but something tells me that you won't mind. Get out your sporks and dig in!

Ingredient 1: Gaga's skinny dancing bod.

Let's start with the MUCH-ANTICIPATED new Lady Gaga (featuring Beyonce) video for Telephone! WOOHOO! It's a good day for us little monsters, isn't it? It's not so much a music video but a mini-movie; it's gorgeous and filthy and I TOTALLY DIG IT, despite those handful of bizarre product placements.

NSFW due to some language, violence and some mild girl-on-girl action! Hop in the Pussy Wagon and take an adventure with Lady G & Beyonce, won't you?

Pretty outrageous, right? I think I'll be watching that about 100 more times today. I love how the Ga poked fun at her own rumors early on with the, "Told ya she didn't have a dick" comment!

Ingredient 2: Gary Busey's Tweets

I don't care for Twitter. I keep trying to like it because more and more friends join every day, then I get an email saying, "So-and-so is now following you on Twitter!" so then I feel guilty about never twatting. Well, the other day I was telling my friend Laurie about how I don't get why Twitter is so popular and she told me that I needed to be following Gary Busey, STAT.

Holy crikey, was she ever right! We all know Gary is looney toons, but hearing the crazy come from the (giant-toothed) horse's mouth is nothing short of sublime!

Btw, he's actually not just insane, but he's hysterically funny too. Who knew?!

Here's a selection of some of his recent tweets:

So, Corey Feldman and I now need a new 3rd for our 3-on-3 basketball tourney this weekend. Who wants in?

I've got to go change a diaper. And I have to change the baby while I'm at it.

#Imtiredofseeing people saying "I'm unfollowing you". It's like a hooker telling me I was bad in bed. I don't care! Just get in the trunk!

I just got a painting of David Carradine, and I hung it in my closet.

And that, my friends, is how Gary Busey made me love Twitter.

Ingredient 3: Samsung knows about your profile pic.

HA!!! I love that. It be funny 'cuz it be true.

Ingredient 4: Something tender - an example of excellence in advertising.

I don't know why this commercial gets me right in the throat, but it does. It's just nice to see people doing nice things and acting kindly towards each other, I guess. I know - I'm a big softie. What can I say?

Sorry for all the videos, but it has been a visual kind of week I guess!

Ingredient 5: Goodbye, Corey Haim

I grew up watching Corey Haim's craptastic films, so I'd be remiss if I didn't even mention his death in today's stew. As with all celebrity deaths I always remember where I was when I heard the news that they've finally snorted or injected their way into the afterlife. In Corey's case, I was in the dentist's chair with the hygienist's gloved fingers in my mouth. Awesome, and kind of fitting, yes?

R.I.P. Lucas. We'll always have The Lost Boys, won't we?

Have a good Friday and an excellent weekend!
Smooches -