Blog Archive

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Seven is my lucky number

Hey there! I'm sorry I've been MIA this week. I just wasn't feeling it and didn't have much to write about, so I just... didn't. But I know some of my regular readers may have noticed my absence; in fact my sister texted me this morning to make sure I wasn't out on a ledge somewhere. I assure you that I'm perfectly fine, not depressed or even overly-busy, just having a prolonged case of the Mondays this week!

Oh, and I won't be taking part in the fun of LiLu's TMI Thursday this week, but go on over there and check out her linkies if you need a dose of debauchery! I don't feel like sharing this week, I feel more like hoarding. I'm sure I'll get my blogging mojo back in time for next week's post though, so never fear!

I think I shall unearth something I wrote a few weeks ago instead. The lovely and talented SeƱorita recently gave me an award, which made me all a'tingle! Here it is:

Isn't it purty? So homey and... um, crafty. Why is it spelled wrong, you ask? Who f'ing cares! It's a major award!

The rules:
List seven interesting things about myself and then pass them along to seven others.

My conundrum: how do I choose just seven? I love you all equally! I'm a good mama and I don't play favorites. At least, not that you know. HEH.

So here we go. Seven things about La Bev:

1. When I was 13/14 my friend and I were really, really into The Cure. We used to dress up like lead singer Robert Smith and take pics of each other. My mom would get back the packets of developed film and be so ticked off when she'd find photo after photo of us mugging in full-on "goth" garb.

2. I secretly played with Barbie dolls until well after puberty. Long after they'd been packed away I would sneak up to the attic to play with them. My favorite was a Hawaiian doll I called Miko. I had a little girl-crush on her, for realz. She was so pwetty....

3. I went to three, count 'em THREE, Lollapaloozas. In a mosh pit at one of those shows I received a cut on my left eyebrow from my then-boyfriend's tooth. I still have a tiny scar there, which is why I wear my hair over that eye.

4. I like the smell of diapers (in the morning). Not used ones, sickos, but a nice new package of Huggies or Luvs. There's just something so clean and comforting about the scent, and it reminds me of when my babies were little bitty things and not 6 year-old 4'4" brutes with giant stinky feet that are almost as big as mine.

5. In college my friend C and I numbed our brains with pink champagne and our stomachs with frozen hamburger, then we pierced each others belly buttons. Oddly enough, mine got infected and the stud fell out shortly thereafter, but she kept hers for in years. Obviously I am the superior piercer among the two of us. Oh, and you guessed it - I still have a tiny scar. Seeing a pattern here? Who needs tattoos when you've got mad skarz?

6. Last month I sent/received 3,400 text messages.

7. I'm a supernatural mumbo-jumbo junky. I believe in ghosts even though I've never seen one myself, and I have my fair share of psychic moments, but they're never very helpful. I sometimes know things about people that I have no business knowing or I'll know when something is going to happen right before it does. Of course, it doesn't seem to help me pick lottery numbers or anything handy like that. In fact, I have supremely bad luck with the lottery; I've only played a few times and every time I don't get ONE SINGLE MATCHING NUMBER.

Which is why I'm still working at my crap job, obv.

There you have it, 7 facts about yours truly. Now, to tag 7 lovelies.... I'm going to go ahead and pick 7 newish followers because I'd like to learn more about you. No offense to my other regulars - you know I love you long time!

Let's do this thang.

Carol at By The Way

Mike at I can't believe she's still single

Kate at New Life

Mike129 at Livin the Dream

Salt at Salt Says

BigSis at Speaking of Witch

Heather at The Truth As I See It

Spilly spilly, peeps!

Anyone else who wants to play, please go ahead and grab the award too, ok? I really hate leaving people out. See? That's an 8th fact about me that I'm throwing in gratis. You're welcome.

I'm already working on a lovely batch of stew for tomorrow, so bring your appetite for destruction!