Blog Archive

Monday, March 15, 2010

I haz bad breff.

GAH. I'm a wreck today, folks! The time change yesterday really f'ed with my routine & kept my kids up way past their bedtime, so this morning we all overslept. I haven't set my alarm clock in almost seven years because my kids never sleep past 7 AM, so this morning when I woke up around 5-ish to more dark skies and the patter of rain on my window I rolled over and snuggled back into the blankets figuring the kids would be awake soon.

Well, not today. Today I cracked an eyelid open and saw that it was already 7:30 and we need to leave the house by 8:05, so I was a whirling dervish for the next 35 minutes. I mananged to get everyone up, fed, clothed, shod, and into the car on time, but now I'm sitting here with dripping wet hair, glasses instead of contacts, no caffeine coursing through my veins, and missing a rather crucial button on my pants. Oh, and the clincher is my bad breath, because I was so rushed I forgot to brush my teeth after leaping out of the shower in record time. BLECH!

But I made it to work, and only 20 minutes late! Yaaaaaay...?

First order of business (after I finish complaining and grossing you all out with my stank mouth) is to go next door to the grocery store and get myself coffee and a muffin and a travel-sized toothpaste/brush kit. Thank goodness my boss is not coming in today so I can take my time collecting my fuzzy thoughts. I also just MacGuyver'ed my pants with a paperclip, so I'm feeling a little more put-together already.

Other than my hectic morning, the weekend was fine. I had a killer migraine on Friday so I just came home and crashed, but Saturday the fam and I went shopping and bought my youngest his "big boy" bed. Then we had the Malas over for dinner and a movie, but it was pretty low-key. We basically just ate too much and then lay around like bloated ticks. Yeah, I know -- we are so hot! Try to keep up - we's outta control!

On Sunday I spent the day slipping in and out of consciousness. What? I've been overtired lately! It rained all day so everybody was a bit sluggish. We just watched movies, did laundry, napped, and grazed all day.

Since this post has been kind of a big fat turd, I'll reward you for reading it with the world's most boring music video. I've been listening to this song obsessively for two weeks now, but just now when I found the video to share with you I'll admit that it's kind of a stinker. But the song is cool, so ignore the zombie-like performance by the fugly band, okay?

So there it is. How were YOUR weekends? Do anything fun & exciting? SPILL.